Santiago, Chile Temple

Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 13, 2012

Okay, so this week has been a little more of a downer week.  Me and my companion have not been getting along very well.  Mostly because he tends to insult me when he is trying to help me, but I can take some of the blame too in not being very patient.  But oh well.   It is amazing that how you treat other people can have such a huge impact on how you feel yourself.  I think it's cause your actions reflect your emotions, as well as your emotions reflect your actions.  So change one of them and both are going to be affected.  I know from experience, especially here in the mission, that the way that someone treats you can make you feel so much better or so much worse.  It is so refreshing when we meet someone who isn't completely rude.

Things with the mission work are going pretty well.  We don´t have as many investigators as we have had before, but we are really focusing on the investigators that we do have to get them progressing.  Right now we are really focusing on three people.  Janis, whose baptism is planned for this next week, but she has been having problems with the word of wisdom, so we may have to push it back a week or two.  But she is awesome and still progressing.  We don´t know yet who is going to do the baptism and confirmation.  Her boyfriend left because she told him if he wanted to be there he couldn't do drugs anymore.  A man named Juan that is super awesome.  He loves the Book of Mormon and learning about the church.  And a girl named Francisca   She is only 12 but her mom is an inactive member who served a mission and everything.  She is amazing and the girls in the ward really made friends with her this past Sunday.  It is great to see people progressing in the gospel and the change that it can have in their lives.

Lets see... I don´t know what else.  I guess I don´t know if you all knew this, but we don´t speak English at all, except with the president's wife cause she doesn't speak Spanish.  It's because there are so many native missionaries that it would exclude them if we spoke English.   I don´t know why, but the native missionaries don´t really have a drive to learn English.  They know it could totally change their lives, but they just don´t do it.

I had my mom send me the weekly weather forecast cause we have no way of knowing what the weather is going to be like.  It is really nice to actually know how hot it is.  It feels so much hotter than 87 degrees.  Wow.  But we can never cool down either.  There is no air conditioning anywhere.  It is also humid here.  It was funny when I first opened my scriptures here, the pages started to curl up because of the humidity.  So yeah, that doesn't help how hot we feel either.  I'm jealous hearing about your big snow storm there.

I don´t really having any more for now.  Love you all!

Elder Michael Knapp

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