Santiago, Chile Temple

Thursday, October 25, 2012

October 15, 2012

Okay, first off... WOOOO!!!!

Yeah, I don´t know... haha.  But this week was pretty good.  I don't really remember much of what has happened.  I have been super tired this week so it has all kinda blurred together.  I guess I will start with the fact that there was an earthquake (how do you spell that?... In Spanish it's terremoto o algo así), but yeah.  That was really fun.  We were in the house studying and all of a sudden it started to shake.  It wasn't really big, only a 5.9 I think, something like that.  But it was quite an adrenaline rush.  It was only like 20 sec. long, so it wasn't even a very long one either.  There was no damage or anything like that.  Oh, a few papers fell off my desk, that was all.

Lets see... not much new with my investigators today either that there is to talk about.  This week I had about 3 or 4 people share experiences or miracles that they have had in there lives.  I will say a bit then recount the stories.  It is really amazing how in tune with the Spirit that the people are here, it seems almost an inherent trait that they have.  It's really amazing.  One lady and one man told us almost the same story, that they were really sick laying in bed and they saw God standing by their bed.  You could put this off as they were just hallucinating or something like that, but the Spirit that I felt as they told us makes me believe that in the very least they saw an angel.  I don't know, it really is just so amazing.

I had my first intercambio this last week.  Sorry, I don't know the word in English, maybe... exchange? no sé...  But anyways, it was fun.  I was with Elder Cambroni, from Mexico, who is also new.  More new than me, which was weird because I was the more senior companion, so I got to lead the sector for the day.  It was good to learn from him.

Not really much else on my end.  Just keep letting me know what's up in the world.

Love you all!

¬Elder Michael Knapp

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